What you need to know before using the free WiFi at Panera Bread Restaurants.
Panera Bread Restaurants first came on the scene in 1981. Today they’ve grown to over 1200 locations in the USA and Canada. I personally love going here to work and study because it has such a nice, relaxing family atmosphere. Here are some unspoken rules and guidelines to follow when you are using the Internet at Panera Bread Restaurants.
Buy Something!
When you come to Panera Bread restaurants, laptop strapped to your shoulder, your first stop should be to the counter to order something. Whether it be something as small as a coffee or as large as a delicious Bacon Turkey Bravo sandwich platter, you’ve got to buy something before you settle in for a long stay while using their Internet service. Their food is so good and hearty that I’m almost always tempted to buy lunch while working on my computer.
Respect Panera Breads Lunch Rush
If you’re gonna be there pretty much all day, you have to take a lunch break between the hours of 11:00am-2pm…. elsewhere! Those are Panera’s busiest hours. Many Panera Bread Restaurant locations do not even allow you to access the Internet for more than a half hour in that time period. So give Panera Bread Company some respect and appreciation for allowing you to use their facilities as a pseudo office for an entire day. Pack up your laptop and go elsewhere for lunch, then return after 2pm.
Find an Outlet
Don’t just sit anywhere when you come to Panera Bread restaurants. Sit near an outlet so that you won’t end up running out of battery power on your laptop. If you only plan to stay for an hour or so, there is no need to take up an outlet. Leave it for someone else who may need it.
Find a Small Table
Panera Bread restaurants literature asks that you find a small table if you’re by yourself using the Internet, so that you won’t deprive a large party of dining patrons access to a large table. So just grab a two-seater table instead of a 6 to 8 person table.
The Laptop Buddy System
You will find that there may be several other laptop users at your Panera Bread location. Kind of like a circle of surfers, freelancers, and students. One last unspoken rule of the Panera Breads circle is to never leave your laptop unattended. So when you have to get up to use the bathroom, ask someone else with a laptop to watch yours. When you come back, be sure to thank them. At some point, after drinking all of that coffee, they are going to want to get up also to use the bathroom, and guess who they’ll ask to watch their laptop? That’s the laptop buddy system.
The next time you visit a Panera Bread restaurant, keep these unspoken rules in mind. Like any other arrangement, there has to be some rules and respect. Following these guidelines will allow the environment at Panera Bread to remain functional and efficient.
Posted by Jade
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