In a recent post I gave tips for how to reduce your usage of paper towels. I’ve begun to think about this topic more since I am definitely a person who overuses them. I’ve learned that many people get by just fine in their kitchens without paper towels, ever. They use real towels and other items to get the job done.
So I got an idea for how to regulate my paper towel use and encourage myself to think twice before tearing off a sheet. It’s called “The Paper Towel Tally.” It’s a PDF printout that you can post on your kitchen cabinet or another place near your roll of paper towel. Every time you tear off a sheet, you have to mark a line under the reason. Check it out below (and download the PDF version here).
Just keep a pen near the paper and draw a “scratch mark” under each reason each time you take a sheet (you know, like |||| is five marks). At the end of the month do a tally and find out what you’re using most of your paper towels on. Then you can find a different solution, like the ones I recommended in this post.
Feel free to share this Paper Towel Tally sheet with other people who need it. Hope it helps you to reduce your usage of paper towels over time!
Posted by Jasmine
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