If you are looking to start a fun and yearly tradition with your friends, a gift wrapping party is a great idea. Here are some tips to get you started.
Call, email or e-vite a group of friends and invite them to your house for a gift wrapping party. Have each person bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer. More importantly, they should bring the gifts that they want to be wrapped.
Each person should also bring 2-3 rolls of gift paper, ribbons, tape, gift boxes and scissors.
Have everyone put the rolls of paper in an umbrella holder. You may want to have a gift amount cut off. For example, no more than 5 large and 5 small gifts to be wrapped.
Now make space on the living room floor, if you don’t have a large enough dining room table.
Begin wrapping, while laughing and having grown up conversations. Make sure to play awesome holiday music, keep the wine glasses filled and the food flowing. Best of all is that you, the host, will be be spending quality time drinking with your friends and accomplishing the tedious chore of wrapping gifts for the holidays.
Posted by Eve
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