Besides the obvious reason to wear a mask (to protect yourself and others from covid, colds, and other respiratory infections), here are a few fun, practical reasons why you would want to wear a face mask when you’re out on the town.
You Get to Talk to Yourself and Not Look Crazy
“Damn it, I forgot to pick up the cheese.” With a mask you can talk to yourself in peace without worrying about what other people may think about you. So, when you forget the cheese, you can mumble it to yourself, head back to the store, and then talk to yourself some more. As much as you want.
If Your Lips Are Chapped, No One Will Know
If you have struggled with chapped lips at any point in your life, you’ve probably spent a grip on chapstick, lip butters, lipsticks, and all sorts of solutions. With the mask on no one can see your lips!
When It’s Cold Outside…
Baby, it’s cold outside. Yes, this has been identified as a very problematic song, but the sentiment rings true when temperatures drop and the wind or snow is whipping against your face. When it’s cold outside, wouldn’t you rather have a mask on your face? It protects you from the wind, rain, snow, and cold.
No Worries About Anyone Telling You to SMILE
This will be particularly useful to women who are tired of random men commenting on their appearance when they’re out in public. “Why don’t you smile?”
You don’t have to smile because no one can even see your mouth!
It’s Halloween All Year Long Baby
How much do you love Halloween? So much that you start celebrating it in August? If so, you can be the Halloween Queen or King all year long when you have a mask on. Explore all sorts of spooky and fun ways you can wear a mask.
Same is true for Christmas and other holidays.
Also, you get a chance to express your individuality and creativity with face masks. Love your cats? Have a photo of them imprinted on a customized mask. Member of a fraternity or sorority? Display your Greek letters or symbols.
It’s a Shield from Annoying People Recording or Taking Pictures
Nowadays, you can be recorded at any time by anyone for any reason. If you’ve got a mask on, at least you have some level of privacy when you’re out and about.
Hide Your Laugh (Ki Ki)
We have probably all had our moments when we are caught in a situation that makes us want to laugh, but it is inappropriate. Maybe you just saw your boss trip in the middle of the sales floor, or you were told something by someone in a serious way, but it was very funny. When you’re wearing a mask no one can really tell at least for a moment that you are smiling or beginning to laugh.
A Few Downsides of Face Masks
Of course, there are always a few downsides to wearing a mask, as is the case with anything. Almost everything in life comes with some type of minor inconvenience:
- Can’t enjoy a lollipop while you’re in the store.
(That sucks.) - If you sneeze in the mask, the juices will be
marinating in there until you get to your car (but at least they won’t be floating
around in the air or marinating on someone else). - Your ears don’t always hold up the mask while you’re
in the store. - Getting a close whiff of your breath and it’s not
quite minty fresh. But then again, good thing that no one else can smell it,
All in all, the upsides outweigh the downsides though, don’t they? It’s smart to mask up as much as possible. Protect and take care of yourself and others.
High rated masks to protect you, the people you care about, and others:

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