Everyone has their own unique view when it comes to love and money. Some people believe that money grows on trees while others believe that it’s in very short supply. Some prioritize saving while others spend liberally as soon as the money arrives in their bank accounts. If you’re currently in a relationship that may lead to marriage one day, now is the time to start thinking about your financial compatibility with your partner. More people divorce due to financial “infidelity” than any other cause. Here are a few things to look out for when deciding if you and the person you’re dating are a match moneywise.
Downsides of Cosigning a Home Loan
In many cases individuals are pressured into cosigning home loans for family members, friends or significant others. The results can be less than desirable, to put it as nicely as possible. Before you make this very serious financial decision carefully review the downsides and put the situation into the proper perspective.
Issues with Non-Payment
The first most pressing risk of cosigning a home loan is the chance that the other signer will fall into difficult financial times and stop making regular payments. As the cosigner you have to pick up the slack unless you want your credit to be destroyed as well. If the loan goes 30 days overdue the mortgage lender can begin reporting negative information to your credit report.
Paper Towel Tally Sheet – Reduce Paper Towel Usage
In a recent post I gave tips for how to reduce your usage of paper towels. I’ve begun to think about this topic more since I am definitely a person who overuses them. I’ve learned that many people get by just fine in their kitchens without paper towels, ever. They use real towels and other items to get the job done.
So I got an idea for how to regulate my paper towel use and encourage myself to think twice before tearing off a sheet. It’s called “The Paper Towel Tally.” It’s a PDF printout that you can post on your kitchen cabinet or another place near your roll of paper towel. Every time you tear off a sheet, you have to mark a line under the reason. Check it out below (and download the PDF version here).
DTV Transition: How to Watch TV Without a Cable Box
Here is a quick guide to help you understand how to watch television without a cable box.
After the Digital Television Transition ( DTV transition) that occurred back in February of 2009 non-cable subscribers were required to buy digital to analog TV converter boxes. After February 17, 2009, television stations stopped broadcasting over analog airwaves so only digital broadcasting is available. If you’ve recently cut costs by getting rid of cable, here is a quick guide to help you understand the technology and how to watch TV without a cable box.
Analog vs Digital